The Art of the Scent

Last Friday I went with two friends to celebrate my belated December birthday. We lunched and then headed over to Parfum des Beaux Arts, which is so simply stated on this ordinary door. But when I walked through this unassuming door, the world shifted slightly and I was in a wonderland of scent, fragrance and … Continue Reading

Ideas Are Swirling

I’ve had precious little time to devote to my creative side this week. My hour in the garden on the freakishly warm day. And a little time at my work table revealed the beginning of this new page. Dreamlike, odd in a kind of cool way I think. I’ll post when I’ve finished it. Heading … Continue Reading

Extraordinary Happiness

We had a freakishly warm day yesterday. I had the lovely opportunity to sit outside (yes outside at 8:00 a.m. in my pajamas) in my favorite outdoor spot. My husband took the kids to school (also somewhat unusual) and when I realized how incredibly nice it was outside, the sliding glass door flew open and … Continue Reading

Out The Studio Window

I took this picture out my studio window one evening last week when we had a little rain. I love the rain. Probably because we don’t get that much here. It snows. But rain is not our main mode of precipitation. So it’s lovely when I can smell the earthy minerally smell of a spring … Continue Reading

The Darjeeling Limited

Rent this movie! You’ll love it as much as I did. Funny and poignant. The train is worth the price of the rental alone. So much loving detail and the colors are stunning. Every detail is attended to. I kept pausing it just to look at the train. Be sure to watch the special feature. … Continue Reading

Messing About

I had some time this weekend to work in my journal and thought I’d share a page with you. Since I’ve been blogging I’ve had to do a crash course in technology. It’s going OK. It’s a time sucker, with a steep learning curve. I still need to learn at least Photoshop Elements. I have … Continue Reading

In Remembrance

Today, April 4, is the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination. I thought I’d share this incredibly sweet and compassionate banner from one of the 2nd graders at my son’s school. The kids made these banners for Martin Luther King Day back in February. Today seemed liked the perfect day to share it. If … Continue Reading

San Francisco

Journal cover – please note that I DID NOT do this lovely cover, it’s a postcard by Doron Fishman. I love the loose watercolor style and thought it captured the spirit of the city. I’m back from spring break in San Francisco and thought I’d share photos of some of my journal pages and a … Continue Reading